H. What results should I expect when I start taking EZorb Calcium?
In general, you can expect to have more energy. And most pre-existing symptoms such as pain, cramps, and weakness subside in about 3-6 weeks.
Fibromyalgia patients typically notice improvement within 1-3 weeks after starting to take Exorb, if not within a couple of days. You can expect to sleep better at night to experience more energy during the day. Muscles will become to relax, and pain levels will drop dramatically. Even vision will become clearer.
Those who suffer with arthritis and/or bone spurs will start seeing results in about 3-6 weeks. The pain level will reduce continuously while joint cartilage is being repaired and as the spurs gradually shrink.
People with osteoporosis don't see actual proof of improvement until the next bone-density scan. However, bone and joint metabolisms are quite low in cases of osteoporosis and can lead to the development of other problems such as joint pain, which will improve noticeably within 3-6 weeks.