Osteoporosis/Osteopenia Treatment Options

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Bone is living, growing tissue. Throughout life our bodies are breaking down old bone and rebuilding new bone in a continuous cycle.

Bones progressively increase in density until a maximum level is reached, usually around age 30.

We gain bone by building more than we lose. After about age 35, this balance is typically reversed, with bone loss occurring at a slightly faster rate than it can be replaced, which causes bones to slowly decrease in density and to become more brittle.

Bones contain minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which make them hard and dense. To maintain bone density, the body requires an adequate supply of calcium, along with proper amounts of several hormones, such as parathyroid hormone, growth hormone, calcitonin, estrogen in women, and testosterone in men.

After menopause and the loss of estrogen, bones' inner mesh becomes increasingly thinner, weaker and more brittle. But it is only when bone loss is excessive, as can be measured by a bone density scan, for example, that a person would be diagnosed with osteoporosis.

The most common problem associated with osteoporosis is bone fractures. The bones of the wrist, spine and hip are the most likely to break. Hip fractures are the most serious as they can lead to longer-term hospitalization, permanent disability and loss of independence.

Unfortunately, after one osteoporotic fracture, others are more likely to follow. Besides that, fractures tend to heal slowly in those who suffer with osteoporosis.

Comparison of Osteoporosis/Osteopenia Treatment

Calcium is the building block of bones. In the past, people have long relied on inorganic calcium sources like calcium carbonate (rocks, algae, coral, oyster shells, etc) and calcium citrate. However there are many problems with traditional calcium supplements: their calcium absorption rates are usually too low to be of any use, and they can promote the formation of kidney stones or stones in other organs.

Resulting from a recent technological breakthrough, EZorb Calcium has set a new record with its 92% calcium absorption rate, with no side effects.

Physicians typically recommend prescription medications for osteoporosis treatment. Those drugs are all notorious for countless side effects. They are designed to "increase" bone density by retaining dead bone mass. They kill osteoclasts, the cells that are responsible for natural bone resorption. Treated with those drugs, limited space within the bones is taken up by dead or nearly dead bone mass, preventing new bone mass from being created. As a result, bones become more fragile and more vulnerable to fracture.

It won't be a surprise to see modest increase in density from bone scans performed on those treated with these drugs, who often have to be treated against the associated side effects as well. Of course all the useless dead bone mass is counted towards bone density numbers, which promotes a false sense of security, preventing patients from seeking alternative treatments until it's too late. Denser bones are not necessarily better bones.

On the other hand, having enough calcium supply is not the end of the story. Calcium doesn't become bones automatically. It has to be assimilated. EZorb increases bone density by stimulating osteoblast (bone-forming cells) activities and by promoting collagen production.

As a result, new cells are created to replace the old ones, and the increased supply of collagen makes bones stronger and more flexible. Thousands of people with osteoporosis have reported significant bone density increase after taking EZorb 6 months to a year.

The chart below shows the average bone density increase three months after starting EZorb.

Next: Table: EZorb vs. Osteoporosis Prescription Drugs or Testimonials on Osteoporosis.

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Ready to order? Go directly to our online store, or call 1-800-395-5715. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may also use the mail order form to mail us your order.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.