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In this issue:

1. Share Success: Letters From Readers
2. Research Digest: Combining Foods Could Help Suppress Cancer
3. Useful Links
4. Calcium Absorption Test
5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?

1. Share Success: Letters From Readers


Letter A: From A.Z., Minnisota, USA

Received at sharesuccess @ on 7/7/2004



I was diagnosed with opsteoporosis in my hip in 2002 after breaking my collarbone. My DEXA scan T-score was Hip -2.82 and L2-L4 was -1.75. I was on Fosamax for a year and wanted to try something better, so I bought EZorb in 2003 and went off my Fosamax.


One year later I had another Dexa scan because I knew I felt terrific. My DEXA scan T-score is now Hip -1.06 and L2-L4 in my spine is -1.75. I no longer have osteoporosis! I am hoping in a year from now that I will no longer have osteopenia either!


I started out with 8 capsules a day and then increased it to 12 after about 8 months because I still had a slight pain in my shoulder when I carried my shoulder purse. Now I have no pain anywhere and feel wonderful. My mom and brother have both started taking EZorb to help with their osteoporosis.


Letter B: From S.I., North Carolina, USA

Received at info @ on 5/23/04.



First of all let me thank Elixir Industry for an amazing product in the EZorb capsules. I had limped around with severe pain from problem heel spurs for 1-1/2 years. One day, I think back in Dec.2003, I got on the internet to read about heel spurs and found your website. I thought, "what the heck, I'll give it a try". So I ordered my first bottle of EZorb capsules. I honestly did not expect these capsules to make such a drastic difference.


For the first 2 weeks, I took 2 capsules twice a day. Within 2 weeks, I was almost completely pain free, after limping much of the time for over a year. I now take 2 capsules a day and have not had any pain in months.


I have recomended EZorb to both my sister and my Aunt who also have experienced heel spur pain and it has made a big difference for both of them. My sister ordered and paid for my 2nd bottle of EZorb because she was so thankful that I had found a product that actually helped her heel pain. I have just tonight ordered my 3rd bottle. Even though I had been taking oyster shell calcium for the last 2 years prior to trying EZorb, I had not had any relief from my heel pain?Just wanted to let your company know what a great product they have in EZorb.







From the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:

This newsletter is now read by over 50,000 subscribers worldwide. Success stories you contribute will have great impact on many people's life. Kindly email your story to sharesuccess @ As always your private information will never be revealed to the public.


2. Research Digest: Combining Foods Could Help Suppress Cancer

Combining certain food types could help enhance their cancer-fighting benefits, say investigators after finding eating broccoli and tomatoes together combated tumours to a greater extent than either product alone.

Both foods have previously been highlighted for their anti-carcinogenic effects, with evidence showing that nutritional components from both products can protect against cancer.


Professor John Erdman, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and colleagues suggest that these key nutritional components are likely to interact with the full range of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals present in broccoli and tomatoes.


They therefore looked at the cancer-fighting effect of eating a combination of both these foods.


"We decided to look at these foods in combination because we believed it was a way to learn more about real diets eaten by real people," explained Professor Erdman. "People don't eat nutrients, they eat food. And they don't eat one food, they eat many foods in combination."


In laboratory experiments, the researchers fed rats with prostate cancer diets containing tomato powder, broccoli powder or both.


Speaking at the International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Cancer in Washington, the researchers report that, among the group that received both tomato and broccoli powder, the average weight of the tumours was lower than that recorded in the other groups.


"Separately, these two foods appear to have enormous cancer-fighting potential," said Professor Erdman. "Together, they bring out the best in each other and maximize the cancer-fighting effect."


This food synergy is probably not unique to tomatoes and broccoli, add the researchers who say that it is likely that interactions of a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans boost their nutritional value.


Source: International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Cancer: Washington DC; 15-16 July 2004


3. Useful Links

EZorb Online

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Document for Health Care Professionals

Order EZorb


4. Calcium Absorption Test

EZorb Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate. You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements by using the simple step-by-step instructions we provide. E-mail your request to test @ for a copy of the instructions.


5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?

EZorb Calcium has restored confidence in thousands of men and women. It has brought happiness and healthy life to families around the world. Click here to read what people say about EZorb.


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