Share Success: Letters From Readers
Letter A
- Received at sharesuccess @ elixirindustry.com
on 12/15/03.
A friend of mine from work had a severe limp for a
couple years. I asked what it was. She said it was a
bone spur. She had trouble wearing shoes, but was now in
flats and could no longer wear heels. This summer I
noticed she had on heels again, and no limp. She told me
she had been taking EZorb for 6 or 8 months, and no
longer has a heel
In August I was in a car accident. I suffered from a
spiral fracture in my hand. At 4 weeks my hand had not
healed. I ordered EZorb and started with 6 to 8 capsules
a day. (I am also a smoker, thus need more calcium as
smoking depletes the making of calcium). At eight weeks
they saw no difference with my x-rays.
By the time I completed two bottles of
EZorb (early
November) they could see remarkable improvement and
decided not to go back in and pin it. I am also 50 yrs
old, and had my first bone density test last month. It
will now be interesting to see how my test changes over
the next year. I will never go another day without my EZorb.
Signed, a very happy camper from Wisconsin
Letter B
- Received at sharesuccess @ elixirindustry.com
on 12/18/03.
At this time I would like
to share some good news. I am a 61 year old woman who
has been fortunate to have had excellent health.
However, about 4 months ago I was diagnosed with
arthritis in my lower back. I tried various medications
and treatments but nothing really worked until I
discovered EZorb. I have been taking it for about 2
months, but I began to notice a definite improvement
within a few weeks. I rarely experience any pain now and
I also seem to have increased energy.
EZorb has lived up to its
promise, and it has also helped tremendously with pain
from Plantar's Fasciitis that I developed in my left
heel last spring. Many thanks to all the folks at Elixir
Industry. EZorb is a truly revolutionary product which
lives up to its promise.
the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:
Thank you
very much for contributing the stories above. The EZorb
Newsletter will not be the same without your support.
In the
meantime we would like to encourage everyone who has
been benefiting from EZorb to do the same. This
newsletter is now read by over 40,000 subscribers
worldwide. Success stories you contribute will have a
great impact on many people's life. Kindly email your
story to sharesuccess @ elixirindustry.com.
As always your private information will never be
revealed to the public. We will send you a nice gift as
our way of saying thank you.
Research Digest: Osteoporosis And
Osteoarthritis May
Contrary to current views,
research published in the Journal of Bone and Joint
Surgery shows that older women may suffer from both
osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
The team from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston,
Massachusetts, USA, assessed Vitamin D levels and bone
mineral density in 68 postmenopausal women awaiting
total hip replacement for advanced osteoarthritis.
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry of the spine,
proximal femur and total body revealed that 25% of the
women had developed osteoporosis, defined as a T score
of less than -2.5.
In addition, the team found that Vitamin D deficiency
did not correlate with bone
Furthermore, analysis of markers of elevated bone
turnover and osteoporosis showed that many of the group
had suffered osteoporosis throughout their
postmenopausal period, lead author Julie Glowacki and
co-workers note.
"Our findings clearly reject the hypotheses that
all osteoarthritic women are protected against bone loss
and that they protected during the early postmenopausal
period," the team emphasizes.
Original Article Appeared in J Bone Joint Surg
2003; 85A: 2371-2377
Useful Links
Asked Questions & Answers
for Health Care Professionals
Absorption Test
Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate.
You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements by
using the simple step-by-step instructions we provide.
E-mail your request to test @ elixirindustry.com
for a copy of the instructions.
What Are Others Saying About EZorb?
Calcium has restored confidence in thousands of men and
women. It has brought happiness and healthy life to
families around the world. Click here
to read what people say about EZorb. |