Share Success: Letters From Readers
I: From Kaye P.
at Testimonial
Submit Form Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 09:49:11
Hi, my name is Kaye P. Have written to you before but not sure if you got it!
I was an International Flight Attendant for over 40 years. At about 30 years I developed a bone spur and eventually was hobbling around, always in pain. Went to Dr. after Dr., had shoe implants, cortisone injections (which hurt like h**l), and NOTHING WORKED.
I was then told the only thing left, which they couldn't guarantee, was surgery. I went on line looking for something else.
Read an EZORB testimonial (along with product info and other letters), and figured I had nothing to lose. Ordered EZORB, and HAVE NEVER LOOKED BACK. It "cured" the bone spur - everyone who had seen my condition was amazed - and I have been taking
it ever since.
Also now take Marvlix as well. Have had a couple of bad falls (will be 70 next month), but NO BROKEN BONES. Am on NO MEDICATION for ANYTHING, and attribute this to my EZorb and Marvlix.
LOVE these products.
II: From Paula
at Testimonial
Submit Form Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 11:08:58
Hi, my name is Paula. Nine years ago I was diagnosed by my OBGYN, Dr. Ronald Woodson, with Osteopenia. He prescribed Fosomax which I took for 4 months until I began reading the "hype" about its adverse side effects after losing my bottom 4 teeth.
After researching the absorbability of various calcium supplements and reading reviews, I
felt comfortable giving Ezorb a try.
At that time, I also was making frequent trips to a chiropractor for lower back pain and hip displacement. After beginning a regiment of suggested doses of Ezorb, my back problems ceased, and I have not had to return to the chiropractor. I gave my Doctor s printout of the medical components of Zoloft, and he put them in my file and has not bothered me about a bone mass test since.
I'm sorry to say that I became complacent and stopped taking my Ezorb, thinking diet and weight lifting was enough to spare me what I considered avoidable "expense". Yesterday my knee began hurting to the point where I am in pain and stuck in the house unable to walk.
After all the diet watching and the exercise regime, I realize how much I still need Exorb. Tomorrow I must hobble into my doctor's office for my annual exam and reaffirm how much Ezorb has helped me prevent osteoporosis, yet how I foolishly thought I could live without it.
Today I am finishing up an old container of Ezorb and reordering immediately. Maintenance is the key to avoiding trips to the doctor and staying out of pain as my body ages. I am 61.
III: From Rita J S.
at Testimonial
Submit Form Wednesday, June 03, 2015 at 13:38:46
This product saved me from having surgery. There was a bone spur on my wrist that grew so that it was ready to come out of my skin, it was very painful.
When going on line and googled bone spurs somehow your product came up and I ordered. Within days this bone spur started to disappear and within 2 weeks it was gone so was all the pain.
This is a miracle product and I intend to share my story via email to all my friends, family and business associates.
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Research News: VEGF Biomarkers Promising for PAH Diagnosis
Two members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family are highly specific and moderately sensitive for the presence of pulmonary hypertension, report researchers.
Of the two VEGF signaling components, placental growth factor (PlGF) was more sensitive for pulmonary hypertension, while soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) was more specific. When combined, the biomarkers had a sensitivity of 62.4% and specificity of 100%, at respective thresholds of 29.2 pg/mL and 5753 pg/mL.
This makes the biomarkers "reasonably suitable screening tools", say Ardeschir Ghofrani (Universities of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center, Germany) and co-researchers; "however, their main strength lies in their almost unfailing specificity."
The study included 247 patients, comprising 62 with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), 14 with associated PAH, 21 with collagen vascular disease, 26 with pulmonary venous hypertension, 67 with lung disease-associated pulmonary hypertension and 57 with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. They were compared with 40 patients in whom pulmonary hypertension was ruled out on right heart catheterization, despite suggestive symptoms.
The combined biomarkers were slightly more sensitive in PAH patients (idiopathic and associated PAH and collagen vascular disease) than in the pulmonary hypertension group as a whole, at 83.7%, while maintaining their 100% specificity.
Unlike the established prognostic biomarker brain natriuretic peptide, PlGF and sFlt-1 were not associated with disease severity or patient outcomes.
This suggests that the VEGF signaling molecules have "a pathological role that is not directly linked to the increased pressure in the pulmonary vasculature and the resulting changes of the right ventricle", writes the team in the European Respiratory Journal.
Ghofrani et al stress that invasive testing remains necessary in the case of a negative biomarker test if other non-invasive tests are indicative of pulmonary hypertension, and is also necessary for diagnostic classification and to assess severity.
However, they believe that "sFlt-1 and PlGF may become useful additional parameters which help to decide whether or not invasive assessment by means of right heart catheterization is required."
They also note that the high specificity of these biomarkers may help to avoid misdiagnosis of pulmonary hypertension when other non-invasive tests are negative.
Original research was published in Eur Respir J 2015; Advance online publication.
Useful Links
Asked Questions & Answers
Clinical Studies
Absorption Test
Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate.
You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements
by using the simple step-by-step instructions we
provide. E-mail your request to test @ elixirindustry.com
for a copy of the instructions.
What Are Others Saying About EZorb and Marvlix?
EZorb and Marvlix have restored confidence in thousands of men
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to families around the world. Click here
to read what people say about EZorb and Marvlix. |