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In this issue:


1. Share Success: Letters From Readers

New Research: Vitamin D Supplementation Doesn't Reduce Hip Fracture

3. Useful Links
4. Calcium Absorption Test
5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?


1. Share Success: Letters From Readers 


Letter I: From Mel

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Friday, September 24, 2010 at 03:41:21



Hi, my name is Mel, M/67. Over the last 30 years, I have had three cortisone shots in my shoulders for calcium deposits. About five years ago, I had a bone spur surgically removed from my middle finger, right hand. About 6 months ago, I noticed that the surgically removed bone spur was growing back. Six other fingers were growing bone spurs all in the joint closest to my fingernails.


For numbness in both hands when sleeping, I went for an MRI, which showed I had osteoarthritis and calcium deposits between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae.


I had to try E-Zorb because hand numbness and painful bone spurs were bothering me and I felt it would lead to surgery without trying something.


After three months on the EZorb protocol, I called Elixir Industry and wanted my money back as it didn't seem to be working. "Give it more time," I was told. The skin on my finger of my surgically removed bone spur had become super taut and was painful. I hung in there with the protocol thinking that it might just take a little longer and the alternatives were not good.


Today, the skin on my surgically removed bone spur finger is loose, the bone spur is gone as well as all the bone spurs in my other fingers. My neck movement no longer feels like there are rocks and sand in my spine and I sleep in any position without experiencing numbness which had been waking me up on a regular basis.


In my situation, the extra time needed and the continuation with the EZorb protocol worked. I will continue taking EZorb as I don't want to go back to failure and pain. I want to remain bone spur free and stay asleep without numbness waking me up. I sleep like a baby.



Letter II: From Stella

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 10:31:58



Hi, my name is Stella. In 2003 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia giving me much pain and fatigue. I had antidepressants, sleeping tablets, pain killers - nothing worked.


In 2006 I had my left hip joint replacement with no complications and was told the right one would need to be done in about 4 years. Shortly after this I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the spine and was in much pain again.


Surgery was advised but I did not want to undergo another operation at that stage.


About that time I discovered EZorb, calcium with high absorbancy which claimed to be extremely effective for the following disorders: osteoporosis, loss of bone mass, arthritis/osteoarthritis joint pain, bone fracture, bone spur and heel spurs, fibromyalgia, nerve/muscle pain, and back pain/lower back pain. So I gave it a go.


It was very effective. My last xray showed only medium deterioration of the right hip and no replacement has been necessary. I have had no pain at all. My back only gives occasional problems, mainly if I overdo things!


I am still taking EZorb, at a lower dose than I began with, and I believe it is a major factor in controlling both fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.



Letter III: From Sally P.


Regular mail received on Thursday, June 10, 2010 (Notes included in the mail order)



My last bone scan had really improved. I do not take anything else because of side effects. My number was 3 now 2.5.



From the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:


This newsletter is now read by over 70,000 subscribers worldwide. Success stories you have contributed over the years have had a great impact on many people's quality of life. Your continuous support will be greatly appreciated by tens of thousands who have been suffering and would continuously suffer, without your help! Please email your story to sharesuccess @ or simply post it at Testimonial Submit Form. Your personal information will never be revealed to the public.



2. New Research: Vitamin D Supplementation Doesn't Reduce Hip Fracture


Hip fractures are not prevented by high or low dose vitamin D supplementation, say UK and Australian scientists who ascribe the observed low level of serum vitamin D in fracture cases in their meta-analysis to confounding factors.


Despite conflicting evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), vitamin D supplementation for the prevention of fractures is widespread, note Jeffrey Lai, from the Australian National University in Canberra, and colleagues.


To examine the current evidence regarding associations between vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and hip fracture risk, the team conducted a meta-analysis of existing data. They also undertook separate meta-analyses of RCTs examining vitamin D supplementation and hip fracture, and observational studies of serum vitamin D status via 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels, PTH, and hip fracture.


Seven RCTs recording hip fractures in 801 patients were identified, alongside 17 case-control (n=1903) and three cohort studies (n=51,414) of hip fracture and serum 25(OH)D levels, and 10 case-control studies of PTH and hip fracture (n=905).


Overall, there was no significant difference in hip fracture risk in RCTs between patients randomly assigned to receive cholcalciferol or ergocalciferol supplementation versus placebo/control, at a relative risk of 1.13. There were also no significant differences between trials in which doses of less than800 IU/day and 800 IU/day or more were administered, at relative risks of 1.14 and 1.12, respectively.


Serum 25(OH)D levels were 33% lower in hip fracture cases than in controls in case-control studies. There were significant differences in the summary results between population-based and hospital-based studies, with reductions in serum 25(OH)D levels between cases and controls of 40% and 24%, respectively, despite there being significant heterogeneity between the studies.


The team reports in the journal BMC Public Health that the results from the cohort studies concerning the association between serum 25(OH)D and hip fracture showed essentially similar findings, with an apparent dose-related increase in hip fracture for lower serum 25(OH)D levels. There were no significant differences in serum PTH levels between hip fracture cases and controls.


They conclude: "A summary of the best available evidence shows that neither higher nor lower dose vitamin D supplementation prevents hip fracture.


"Randomized and observational findings on vitamin D and hip fracture appear to differ. The reason for this is unclear; one possible explanation is uncontrolled confounding in observational studies."


Original Research was published in BMC Public Health 2010; 10: 331



3. Useful Links

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

EZorb Clinical Studies

Marvlix Benefits

Order Now



4. Calcium Absorption Test

EZorb Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate. You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements by using the simple step-by-step instructions we provide. E-mail your request to test @ for a copy of the instructions.



5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?

EZorb Calcium has restored confidence in thousands of men and women. It has brought happiness and healthy life to families around the world. Click here to read what people say about EZorb.


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