Share Success: Letters From Readers
I: From Toni
at Testimonial
Submit Form on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at
my name is Toni. I suffered from heel spurs, walked
with a limp, was in so much pain I had to hold on to
furniture to walk. I used e-zorb for several months
and I walk normal again and have no pain. E-zorb
worked for me.
don't ever stop selling it because if the pain ever
comes back I know what product I will be back on in a
heartbeat. I give the all the credit to E-zorb and God
for my heels not hurting anymore.
had tried shoe inserts, different types of shoes,
expensive shoes and nothing worked. Ezorb did it for
II: From Elma
at Testimonial
Submit Form on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at
my name is Elma. I was taking fosamax for 5 years and
heard of all the side effects and thought it was time
I took this into my own hands, so like so many others
I started searching the net and low and behold I found
Ezorb, started taking it last January 08 and now I
just got the news today sept.10th that my bone density
test came back GOOD, where it always was in the red.
doctors secretary said, the doctor said to stay on the
Ezorb. Now doesn't that sound good for Ezorb.
also got my daughter on it and her fingernails are
longer and stronger then they have ever been. This is
an awesome product!
III: From Lorene
at Testimonial
Submit Form on Thursday, August 28, 2008 at
my name is Lorene. Still not walking, but I feel
am 75 and I realize the older you are the harder or
longer it is to recover. I will be ordering my fourth
bottle of EZorb. I take 6 caps a day. I feel that soon
I will be able to walk. The last time I walked for a
week and it was wonderful but I picked-up a flower
pot, the pain shot to my foot so here I am again.
swollen has gone. This time I need to take it easy for
a long time before I start being active again. EZORB
is easy to take and doesn't upset my stomach like
other calciums.
had a hair line fracture and before that I was treated
for spurs, shots, drugs, x-rays, ice, exercise and
much more, for 10 years. Then I was great for 7 years.
Can you believe that?
life was a mess. I asked god to show me the way, and
that night the advertisement for EZORB was on the
internet. I first started in APRIL. I hope it's not
too late for me. Oh I forgot that I had a bone density
test and the scores were low, will take another one in
APRIL (one year). I will keep in touch.
IV: From DR, PA
at Testimonial
Submit Form on Saturday, June 28, 2008 at
my name is DR, PA. Two years ago I read your ad
regarding EZorb telling me that if I took the mega
dose for three months, I would see a difference in my
bone density test.
living with osteoporosis for over twenty years and
having fractured ten bones, I felt that I would have
nothing to lose by trying your product. Since I was
scheduled for a bone density test four months later, I
took the prescribed mega dose and to my absolute
amazement, I went from osteoporosis to osteopenia.
am on the maintenance dose and look forward to the
next test to see where I stand.
the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:
newsletter is now read by over 50,000 subscribers
worldwide. Success stories you contribute will have
great impact on many people's life. Kindly email your
story to sharesuccess @ elixirindustry.com.
As always your private information will never be
revealed to the public.
Research News: Men Over 75 Should Not Undergo Prostate
Cancer Screening
aged 75 years and older should not undergo prostate
cancer screening, and younger men should discuss the
benefits and drawbacks of the prostate-specific
antigen test with their doctors before undergoing
screening, US experts recommend.
recommendations are made by the US Preventive Services
Task Force following a review of published studies
conducted by Dr Kenneth Lin, from the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality in Rockville,
Maryland, and colleagues.
prostate-specific antigen test was approved by the US
Food and Drug Administration in 1986, and its use for
prostate cancer screening has increased significantly
among men of all ages since the mid-1990s.
high prostate-specific antigen levels can also
indicate the presence of non-cancerous conditions of
the prostate, as well as prostate cancer, says the
potential drawbacks associated with prostate screening
include additional medical visits, adverse effects of
prostate biopsies, anxiety, and over diagnosis - the
identification of prostate cancer that would never
have caused symptoms in the patient's lifetime,
leading to unnecessary treatment, anxiety and other
negative psychological effects.
examining the evidence, the US Preventive Services
Task Force says that as men aged 75 years have an
average life expectancy of around 10 years, the
negative effects of prostate cancer screening outweigh
the positive effects.
the same reasons, men younger than 75 years with
long-term medical problems and a life expectancy of
less than 10 years are also unlikely to benefit from
the Task Force recommends that all men younger than 75
years should be educated about the risks and benefits
associated with screening before undergoing the
prostate-specific antigen test.
many prostate cancers grow slowly, early detection may
not benefit a patient's health and in some cases may
even cause harm," said Task Force Chair Dr Ned
Calonge, chief medical officer for the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment in Denver.
added: "We encourage men younger than 75 to
discuss with their clinicians the potential, but
uncertain, benefits and the possible harms of getting
the prostate-specific antigen before they decide to be
research was published in Ann Intern Med 2008; 149:
185-191, 192-199
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What Are Others Saying About EZorb?
Calcium has restored confidence in thousands of men
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