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In this issue:
1. Share Success: Letters From Readers Letter I: From Selma H. Hi, my name is Selma! I began taking EZorb just over a year ago. At the beginning I was not faithful to daily but took it when I remembered; then last spring I began to take it daily as recommended. I use the powder. Just my preference. At first very little change then I began to feel less muscle pain. I suffer from fibromyalgia and some osteoarthritis but the fibromyalgia is the worst. After 6 months I can truly say that my muscle pain is very intermittent and my joint pain is almost non existent! I am 75 years old and just ordered enough to get me through the winter. It is a truly great product. I have recommended it to my friends and one who has a lot of knee pain is using it with good results. Please read the information on this product! It is more effective than all the pain relievers in the world and good for you! Letter II:
From Evelyn W., Quincy, CA Hello: I pressed the order button too fast! I meant to use P.O. Box rather than our physical address (where we don’t have a USPS mailbox.) We usually only use the physical address for large items which come by UPS or FedEx. If you can, would you please mail the two bottles of your precious EZORB capsule, which I just ordered, to our P.O. box instead? Both Byron and I have taken your ezorb for several years now and have enjoyed painless mobility in our senior years! We both had started to have foot and joint pain but EZORB changed our lives! Thank you SO MUCH ! Evelyn W, Quincy, CA. From the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:Our newsletter reaches over 200,000 subscribers worldwide. Success stories you shared in the past have made a great impact on many people's life. Please email your story to sharesuccess @ or simply post it to Testimonial Submit Form. Your personal information will never be revealed to the public. 2. Research News: Gender Gap Exists in Academic RheumatologyFindings from two studies highlight the need for interventions to improve gender equity in academic rheumatology career advancement and on journal editorial boards. For the first study, Laura Coates (University of Oxford, UK) and colleagues analyzed survey responses from 324 EULAR and Emerging EULAR Network (EMEUNET) members representing 23 of the 45 society countries as well as the USA and Mexico. Most (71.3%) respondents were women, while 28.4% were men and one identified as third gender. The study authors report in RMD Open that women represent at least half of qualified rheumatologists in many of the 13 member countries evaluated (range 28-91% across countries), but there are “disproportionately fewer” female academic rheumatologists compared with clinical rheumatologists (range 10-85%). Moreover, “while the majority of early career academic rheumatologists are female, women remain significantly under-represented in senior academic roles,” they add. Just one country had more than half of full professor positions occupied by women - Lithuania at an estimated 80% - while the estimated proportions in other countries ranged from 0% in Albania and Switzerland to 33% in the Netherlands. Coates et al found no statistically significant differences by gender in terms of leadership aspirations, share of time spent on research, self-efficacy in career development, and work-life integration. However, women were significantly more likely to report gender discrimination in the past 5 years than men (38 vs 13%), and perceived significantly lower levels of gender equity in their institutions. “These findings suggest that women and men equally aspire to become leaders in rheumatology, but institutional culture makes it harder for women than men to realise their leadership aspirations,” write the researchers. They also analyzed working hours, finding that both men and women in academic roles reported working longer hours than those in non-academic roles, while women in academic roles worked 4.5 hours/week less on average than their male counterparts. Coates et al believe that these results “have important implications for the sustainability of the academic rheumatology workforce as previous research showed that role strain is positively associated with intent to leave academic medicine for both genders and perceived work-family conflict is negatively associated with leadership-seeking for women.” Taken together, the study findings provide “empirical evidence on gender equity in academic rheumatology,” which will be used to inform a EULAR taskforce “developing a framework of potential interventions to accelerate gender-equitable career advancement,” they conclude. Original research was published in RMD Open 2022;8:e002518. 3. Useful LinksEZorb - Frequently Asked Questions & Answers 4. What Are Others Saying About EZorb and Marvlix?EZorb and Marvlix have restored confidence in thousands of men and women. It has brought happiness and healthy life to families around the world. Click here to read what people say about EZorb and Marvlix. |
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