Share Success: Letters From Readers
Letter I: From Janet, Brewster NY
at Testimonial Submit Form Friday, March 22, 2019 at 07:48:58
Hi, my name is Janet from Brewster NY.
I have osteoarthritis. I started taking all kinds of pills prescription and over the counter. Then like others I came across ezorb. I decided to try this.
I was afraid at first because I did not know if it was safe. But I tried and read other peoples reviews. I started taking it not very long but I notice that my knee is not bucking and I have better balance.
Still using a kane but I feel a difference. So I' m going to continue using this product and I am hoping a miracle for me.
Letter II: From Tracy, Paso Robles, CA
at Testimonial Submit Form Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 15:49:31
Hi, my name is Tracy and I am a 56 year old woman. I began using Ezorb 4 mos. ago.
I was diagnosed with a torn hip labrum 15 years ago and have lived with varying degrees of chronic pain ever since. Recent xrays confirmed arthritis in the joint as well.
A few months ago the pain had gotten so bad that I couldn't put any weight on my injured hip or sleep on that side. I was forced to walk with crutches and slept very poorly. I have always been very active but was unable to do much of anything.
I met with an orthopedic surgeon who recommended hip replacement.
A friend told me about Ezorb and I was skeptical but decided to try it before I committed to major surgery.
I started taking 2 1/2 tsp. of ezorb daily in divided doses. I started feeling a reduction of pain within the first week and I ditched the crutches shortly after.
Now I can sleep and walk pain free. I am completely sold on this product. It has been a miracle. I didn't know that being calcium deficient could actually cause joint pain.
Hopefully with the help of this product I may never need a hip replacement!
Thank you Ezorb.
T.C., Paso Robles, CA
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Research News: Antibiotic Usage May Increase Risk of Developing RA
Exposure to systemic oral antibiotics is associated with a higher risk for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a database analysis suggests.
Based on their findings, Lindsay Hall (Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich, UK) and colleagues report "a strong association between antibiotic usage and the onset of RA," while acknowledging that "there remain many unanswered questions, particularly whether this is related to infections themselves, alterations in the microbiota, or a combination of the two."
They identified 22,677 RA patients from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, who were each matched to up to five controls (90,013 in total) based on year of birth, sex, and general practice.
As reported in BMC Medicine, individuals with RA were 1.6 times more likely to have been exposed to antibiotics over a median of 10 years prior to diagnosis than those without RA.
The researchers note that the odds remained the same when they based the index date on first referral to a rheumatologist in order to rule out the potential that early RA symptoms (experienced prior to diagnosis) may have triggered the need for antibiotic treatment.
The results also highlight that the odds of developing RA rose in line with an increasing number of antibiotic prescriptions, and the strength of this frequency-dependent relationship was affected by the timing of antibiotic exposure. RA onset was more likely to occur in individuals exposed to antibiotics 1-2 years before the index date (odds ratio [OR]=1.80) compared with those exposed 5-10 years before the index date (OR=1.57).
All antibiotics included in this study (eg, penicillins, macrolides, and quinolones) were associated with an increased incidence of RA. However, the investigators observe that the odds of developing RA varied depending on the mode of action of the antibiotics; bactericidal antibiotics (OR=1.45) showed a stronger relationship than bacteriostatic antibiotics (OR=1.31), for instance.
The type of infection also proved to be important, with respiratory infections associated most strongly with RA, in particular, upper respiratory tract (URT) infections. Specifically, only antibiotic-treated cases of URT infections were strongly associated with RA, with no association observed for untreated URT infections, which supports previous research in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
"Associated antibiotic usage is likely to be the main associative factor for the increased incidence of RA in this cohort," say the researchers.
Although they conclude that "antibiotic prescriptions are associated with a higher risk of RA," the researchers emphasize that "it is currently unclear if the major driver is infection and/or antibiotic usage; therefore, these observations require extensive additional studies (both case-controlled and mechanistic) to determine direct causation."
Original research was published in BMC Med 2019; 17: 154
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Absorption Test
Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate.
You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements
by using the simple step-by-step instructions we
provide. E-mail your request to test @ elixirindustry.com
for a copy of the instructions.
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