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In this issue:


1. Share Success: Letters From Readers

Research News: Nut Consumption May Help Diabetes

3. Useful Links
4. Calcium Absorption Test
5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?


1. Share Success: Letters From Readers 


Letter I: From Tammy

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Saturday, July 09, 2011 at 07:51:27



Hi, my name is Tammy around 10 years ago I was diagnosed with a heel spur in my left heel and received treatment for it. The cortisone injections only lasted for a few weeks and then the pain returned.


While online searching for information about heel spurs I came across the EZorb website and decided to give it a try. After 2 weeks of EZorb the pain was gone in my heel and it has not returned.


I have recommended EZorb to several of my friends and they have had the same results. Great product, it really works!



Letter II: From Linda H.

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Monday, May 30, 2011 at 12:34:42



Hi my name is Linda H.


I have been taking Ezorb calcium for 3 years ago in May 2008 (2 tsp. in morn. and 2 tsp. of powder at night). I have bone spurs in my spine which caused me to lose 2 inches in height over the past 5 years. I took Fosamax for about 3 months and ended up with heartburn; so I stopped taking it.


My girlfriend told me about how Ezorb had helped her pain with Fibromyalgia; so I ordered it and started taking it immediately. I took it for one year and my bone density increased 2% percent; and I just had another bone density test in May 2011; two years later, and the bone density in my lumbar spine has increased another 2.6%.


Also, after taking it for less than a week; the pain in my back started to disappear.


I am so happy about the success I've had with Ezorb; I tell everyone who complains to me about a back; bone; etc., problem; and give them your address.


This product is amazing.



Letter III: From Joy W.


Received at Product Inquiry on Sunday, April 03, 2011 at 15:51:51



Dear Sirs:


I have been taking Ezorb for at least a full year and longer. I still take it. I am 74 yrs. old, pretty thin and frail, 5ft 4in. 106 lbs.


I had a bone density test in 2008 and it said I had -2.8 T-score in my left Femoral Neck, and -2.8 T-score in left hip. It said I demonstrated osteoporosis of the neck and total hip regions of the left hip. This was before I started taking Ezorb.


I had a bone density test this past month and it said I had -1.3. I think this shows good improvement. What do you think? I want to know if I should take more Ezorb than I do. I started out taking 7 a day for a long time, then I went to maintenance and I have taken 5 a day for a long time. Is this enough for me to take? I appreciate a reply from you on this. Thank you very much.



Letter IV: From Jeanette R.


Received at on Monday, February 28, 2011 7:28 PM



Please send me a copy of the 'test' for absorption rating of Ezorb.


I have been taking for almost a year I believe and I now have NO heel pain. I apparently had plantar fasciitis and the doctor said a small heel spur. After taking this I have no pain now in my foot and can wear my regular shoes.


I will have a bone density soon and will be happen to see the results there also.
I want to take the 'test of absorption' to my doctor for his eyes to see why I am better.


Thanks so much!
Jeanette R.
"a satisfied customer"



From the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:

This newsletter is now read by over 70,000 subscribers worldwide. Success stories you have contributed over the years have had a great impact on many people's quality of life. Your continuous support will be greatly appreciated by tens of thousands who have been suffering and would continuously suffer, without your help! Please email your story to sharesuccess @ or simply post it at Testimonial Submit Form. Your personal information will never be revealed to the public.

2. Research News: Nut Consumption May Help Diabetes


Patients with Type 2 diabetes who consume 75 g of mixed nuts every day as a replacement for an energy-equivalent amount of carbohydrate show improved glycemic control and lipid profile, study results show.


"We believe that, with the appropriate advice, nut intake at these levels can be achieved and maintained," David Jenkins (University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and colleagues comment.


Recently, concerns have emerged over the impact of refined carbohydrate foods in increasing postprandial glycemia and reducing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.


Replacement of carbohydrate by "healthy" fat, such as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), has been increasingly recognized as a possible therapeutic strategy in the treatment of diabetes.


Furthermore, increased proportions of fat and protein in the diet, especially of plant origin, may confer metabolic benefits and reduce the risk for developing coronary heart disease (CHD) and diabetes.


"However, there is little guidance on the optimal foods with which to increase the fat and protein intakes, and fear persists that increasing the proportion of fat in the diet will increase body weight," Jenkins and team comment in the journal Diabetes Care.


Noting that few studies have addressed these concerns, the researchers initiated a study addressing the effect of mixed nut consumption as a source of vegetable fat.


They randomly assigned 117 Type 2 diabetic subjects to eat either mixed nuts (75 g/day), muffins, or half portions of both, with each of the three regimens providing 475 kcal (as part of a 2000-kcal total daily energy consumption).


The nuts were a mixture of unsalted and mostly raw almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, and macadamias. The muffin was a wholewheat product sweetened with apple concentrate, with no added sugar, and had a similar protein content to the nuts, by the inclusion of egg white and skim milk powder.


Over the 3-month study period, Jenkins et al found that the full-nut dose reduced glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) over the study period by 0.21%; by contrast there was no change in HbA1cc with the half-nut dose or muffin.


Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol also decreased significantly after the full-nut dose compared with muffin. The LDL cholesterol reduction after half-nut dose was intermediate and not significantly different from the other regimens.


Jenkins et al note that for the full-nut dose the resulting relative increase in MUFA intake was modest, at 8.7% of total calories.


"There is a requirement for pharmacological interventions aimed at improving glycemic control to demonstrate that they have no negative impact on CHD. In this respect, nut consumption not only improved glycemic control but also lipid risk factors for CHD," the researchers conclude.


Original research was published in Diabetes Care 2011; 34: 1706-711 



3. Useful Links

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

EZorb Clinical Studies

Marvlix Benefits

Order Now



4. Calcium Absorption Test

EZorb Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate. You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements by using the simple step-by-step instructions we provide. E-mail your request to test @ for a copy of the instructions.



5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?

EZorb Calcium has restored confidence in thousands of men and women. It has brought happiness and healthy life to families around the world. Click here to read what people say about EZorb.


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