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In this issue:

1. Share Success: Letters From Readers
2. Research News: Heart Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Confirmed
3. Useful Links
4. Calcium Absorption Test
5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?


1. Share Success: Letters From Readers 


(Special Edition on Fibromyalgia)


Letter I: From Charmaine, Australia

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 04:46:52



Hi my name is Charmaine. I'm from Australia. I'm 30 and after almost 2 years of agony been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Been on some heavy drugs for that time and I have now been using your product ezorb for about 2 weeks and can honestly say it has done wonders, not cured yet but a lot less muscle spasm and cramps and the pain is less too.


Thank you Thank you Thank you to the finder. Anyway got a few sickies on this side and I have spread the word. So if you get a big order from Aussie you know it's your personal agent (free of change) selling your product on this side of the world. I just hope it works as well for them as what it did for me, they all have from fibro to osteo to rheumatoid arthritis. So wish us luck.


Thanks again guys, and you do deserve god's blessing for such a wonder product. It actually does what you say, and you don't get that a lot these days.


Letter II: From Linda

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Wed, 7 Jun 2006 07:37:22



Hi, my name is ...Rita




I have been a fibromyalgia sufferer for the past 8 years and wanted to tell anyone that has had to live with the pains, sleepless nights, and brain fogs that we as fibromyalgia patients all endure please suffer "NO MORE".


EZorb gave me relief within the first week of using it. At first I was skeptical thinking that all these testimonials were fake but I was wrong; I am a witness that EZorb does work! I am a mother of 2 and for the first time in years I can actually play with them and enjoy living and smiling painfree! 


To the creators of EZorb I would like to thank you for giving me my life back.


Letter III: From Ann, Oregon

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 7:44:53



I have noticed a slight decrease in muscle pain (I have Fibromyalgia), less Reflux disease and heartburn, and much better sleep since I have been taking EZorb


I am hoping that over time the fibro symptoms will continue to decrease, I have had this problem for over 30 years, so I cannot expect overnight success. I also think your produce is keeping my body slightly alkaline, which is another good thing.



From the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:

This newsletter is now read by over 50,000 subscribers worldwide. Success stories you contribute will have great impact on many people's life. Kindly email your story to sharesuccess @ As always your private information will never be revealed to the public.


2. Research News: Heart Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Confirmed


Study results have provided further evidence that Mediterranean- style diets rich in olive oil or nuts have cardiovascular health benefits.


"An increasing body of knowledge supports the Mediterranean diet as a useful tool in managing individuals who are at high risk for coronary heart disease," explain Dr Ramon Estruch, from the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, Spain, and colleagues in the Annals of Internal Medicine.


For their study, the researchers enrolled 772 patients, aged between 55 and 80 years, who had diabetes or at least three other risk factors for heart disease.


The participants were randomly assigned to consume a low-fat diet or follow a Mediterranean diet with nutritional information and either 1 l of olive oil per week or 30 g of walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds for 3 months.


At the end of the study period, the team found that participants on the oil- and nut-rich Mediterranean diets had significantly greater reductions in blood glucose levels than those on the low-fat diet.


Furthermore, although average blood pressure and cholesterol levels fell in both groups during the study, greater falls in levels of these risk factors occurred in patients on the Mediterranean diets.


The researchers also found that participants on the olive-oil diet had lower levels of C-reactive protein - a substance that indicates levels of inflammation in the body - than those on the low-fat diet.


Although body weight and body fat levels dropped slightly and similarly in all three groups, the researchers nevertheless conclude: "Compared with a low-fat diet, Mediterranean diets supplemented with olive oil or nuts have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk factors."


Original Research Paper Appeared in Ann Intern Med 2006; 145: 1-11


3. Useful Links

EZorb Online

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Document for Health Care Professionals

Order EZorb


4. Calcium Absorption Test

EZorb Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate. You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements by using the simple step-by-step instructions we provide. E-mail your request to test @ for a copy of the instructions.


5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?

EZorb Calcium has restored confidence in thousands of men and women. It has brought happiness and healthy life to families around the world. Click here to read what people say about EZorb.


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