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In this issue:


1. Share Success: Letters From Readers
2. Research News: Exercise Does Not Increase Risk For Knee Osteoarthritis
3. Useful Links
4. Calcium Absorption Test
5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb and Marvlix?

1. Share Success: Letters From Readers 

Letter I: From Ellen E.

Received at Customer Service (customerservice @ Thursday, January 30, 2020, 8:13 PM PST




By the way, after 6 months using the Ezorb my bone density increased over 12% in one hip and over 16% in the other.

My doc called it "miraculous". Thank you!

Sent from my iPhone

Letter II: From Anonymous

Received at Testimonial Submit Form Thursday, December 26, 2019 at 18:20:10



I was diagnosed with multiple bone spurs and they told me that they were at my low back.

I know where exactly they were at low-back. You would think that it was just above the waist but it was not. All the bone spurs were attached to my sacral and my iliac crest.

Now for those who don't know what iliac crest is it's the hip bone at your back but mine was the bottom side. So it was basically at your upper heart of the butt that's what my bone spurs were connected to was the iliac crest and the sacrum.

So when I learned about Ezorb. I was using a lot of different oils which was helping but the brand that I was using and the name that I was using became obsolete. So when I found this Ezorb and I started taking it. I just hope that you do what you're saying you're supposed to do and I hope to be bone spurs free.

Well now I can say I am totally bone spur free. It is a most awesome feeling of having no more bone spurs hitting my sciatic nerve.

Letter III: From Mary C, Farmersville, CA

Received at Share Success (sharesuccess @ Monday, December 23, 2019, 3:11 PM PST



Dear Friends at Elixir Industry,

Thank you so much for your fine service and products! I love telling people about you and how I've benefited from EZorb and Marvlix!

Blessings to you and yours, especially at this season.

Mary L C.


From the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:

This newsletter is now read by over 120,000 subscribers worldwide. Success stories you have contributed over the years have had a great impact on many people's quality of life. Your continuous support will be greatly appreciated by tens of thousands who have been suffering and would continuously suffer, without your help! Please email your story to sharesuccess @ or simply post it at Testimonial Submit Form. Your personal information will never be revealed to the public. We appreciate your effort.

2. Research News: Exercise Does Not Increase Risk For Knee Osteoarthritis


Doing regular vigorous exercise is not associated with an elevated long-term risk for developing radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) among people at high risk for the disease, suggests an analysis of data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.

"Although persons with knee symptoms recognize the health benefits of regular physical activity, uncertainty about whether strenuous activity will accelerate joint damage is a common concern," explain Alison Chang (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, USA) and co-researchers.

The study included 1194 individuals at high risk for knee OA but without radiographic evidence of disease at baseline, 13% of whom developed incident radiographic knee OA by the 10-year follow-up. Participants were aged an average of 58.4 years and had a mean BMI of 26.8 kg/m2.

Chang and team categorized participants into four groups based on 8-year participation in strenuous activities such as cycling, running, tennis, swimming, and skiing. Almost half (49.7%) were categorized as persistently doing no exercise, while 29.6% fell into the low category, reporting approximately 1.0 hour/week at baseline that improved to approximately 1.5-2.0 hours/week over the study period. A total of 12.6% were in the moderate and declining group, doing approximately 5.5 hours/week of exercise at baseline with a steady decline to less than 2.0 hours at 8 years, and 8.0% were categorized as having high and improving activity levels, increasing from approximately 7.0 to 8.0 hours/week over the study period.

In all, 15.3% of people who did no exercise throughout the study developed incident knee OA over 10 years, as did 10.7%, 9.3%, and 12.6% of those in the low, moderate, and high groups, respectively.

In unadjusted analyses, the researchers found that people doing any amount or a low-to-moderate amount of vigorous activity over the 8-year period had a significant 34% and 36% lower 10-year risk for incident knee OA, respectively, than those doing none, but there was no significant association between physical activity and knee OA risk after adjustment for age, sex, and BMI.

These results indicate that "even in persons at high risk for knee OA, strenuous physical activity is not associated with development of radiographic changes," write the researchers in JAMA Network Open.

Therefore, "older adults at high risk for knee osteoarthritis may safely engage in strenuous physical activities at a moderate level to improve their general health," they add.

The team also investigated sitting trajectories among the study participants, finding that 42.5% had a moderate-to-high frequency of extensive sitting (more than 4 hours/day on more than 5 days/week) over 8 years. There was no significant association between persistent extensive sitting and radiographic knee OA risk.

Taken together, "findings of the present study suggest that lack of strenuous physical activity participation and frequent extensive sitting are prevalent and appear to be entrenched," highlighting "the need to incorporate physical activity counseling as part of the standard care for high-risk individuals, at an early stage when physical activity engagement is more attainable," conclude the study authors.

Original article was published in JAMA Netw Open 2020; 3: e204049.

3. Useful Links

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

EZorb Clinical Studies

Marvlix Benefits

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4. Calcium Absorption Test

EZorb Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate. You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements by using the simple step-by-step instructions we provide. E-mail your request to test @ for a copy of the instructions.



5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb and Marvlix?

EZorb and Marvlix have restored confidence in thousands of men and women. It has brought happiness and healthy life to families around the world. Click here to read what people say about EZorb and Marvlix.

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