Share Success: Letters From Readers
I: From Gloria
at Testimonial
Submit Form on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 23:35:44
Hi, my name is Gloria. I have been taking ezorb for a few years now. Once I learned of spurs, caused by fosamax.
The first week of the fish fry @ the church , I slipped . The nurse came running. I got up but knee was hurting. I ate went home. When I saw it was swelled, I went to ER. They said: I had a light hair line fracture .
When I told the church, they could not believe! That I did not have to be admitted to the hospital. I just had to wear a split for 3 weeks. When I saw the doctor I told him it was ezorb.
He told me he looked it up . When I came back to him , he could not believe how well I was walking . He gave me 2 more weeks , I'm walking well now , he told me I did not have to do therapy.
I am back helping @ the church , thanks to ezorb. The women @ church say they will look you up because of how well I did !
II: From Rose
at Testimonial
Submit Form on Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 12:49:32
Hi, my name is Rose. Out of the blue I developed a severe pain in my left heel couldn't put any pressure on it when I walked & pain even worse when I put on shoes. It really limited my life so I had an MRI done I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis plus a heel spur.
All my Dr. could offer me was a pain drug or surgery. On my own I tried therapy for
reducing the inflammation & had treatments a couple times a week for several weeks. It became too costly to keep treatments up as therapy reduced the pain somewhat but I still had pain.
I searched on Google to see if there were other options & there is where I found EZorb. I
read testimonies on the website & decided to see if it would work for me, so I ordered
it & I also ordered the Marvlix.
Within a few days I hardly had any pain & could walk without pain I still use Ezorb/Marvlix. I take 2tsps of EZorb twice a day (am/pm) 2 capsules of Marvlix. I am now pain free & I also experienced a more relaxed sleep, so it worked out good for me.
I would recommend this to anyone who is having the same problems as the products really work. Bless EZorb as it saved me from having to go through drugs/or surgery.
III: From Kathy
at Testimonial
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Thursday, December 01, 2011 at 20:22:38
Hi, my name is Kathy and I have Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis.
I started taking EZORB on November 19 and it is now December 2. In this short time I have noticed a wonderful change in my pain and depression.
I was in and out of bed and just couldn't do anything! I would pick up a dust cloth and put it down as my mind just wouldn't let me do anything.
I was always a person to do many things, especially antiques. Selling on ebay, flea markets, etc. For the last year and a half I have had no quality of life. Wasn't out of the house since November 4. My social life with my friends was at a standstill. I have wonderful friends who knew what was going on and stood by me. They were very
understanding of my disease.
I finally went shopping this past Monday to four stores. Usually when I came home I had to go to bed. Not this time. Feels great!!!
Hopefully I will be able to cut down on my hardcore pain meds. I could live with the pain, but the depression was awful, like I said I couldn't do anything and now thanks to EZORB I can function like a human being and am finally starting to have some quality of life.
Just a note to add that I am 72 and have Fibromyalgia since I was in my thirties, but the last three years it has gotten much worse. I advise anyone who is thinking about trying this product, please do so!!! I look forward to feeling better and better as in this short
time, I can tell such a difference. THANKS EZORB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IV: From Anonymous
at Testimonial
Submit Form on
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 16:41:44
Not sure what search engine, however, I was searching for something to help my mother with her fibromyalgia. She couldn't take it she said it gave her heartburn. So I started taking it due to compromised bone deficiency. I also had two heal spurs and recovering
from a broken foot. Less than two weeks of taking ezorb capsules my spur pain was completely gone.
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Research News: Kiwifruit Reduces Blood Pressure in Male Smokers
Eating kiwifruit three times a day could significantly reduce blood pressure (BP) in male smokers, suggest Norwegian researchers.
Rune Blomhoff (University of Oslo) and team also found that this intake of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) significantly reduces platelet aggregation and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity.
"Thus kiwifruits, and possibly also antioxidant-rich foods, may have a potential role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Such a dietary approach may be particularly useful in postponing pharmacological treatment in individuals with high-normal BP or hypertension," they write in the Journal of Human Hypertension.
The study involved 102 male smokers aged 45-75 years who smoked more than five cigarettes per day, had a stable weight range (lt 4 kg change in previous 12 weeks), and a body mass index of over 35 kg/m2.
The randomized trial consisted of a 4-week run-in period followed by an 8-week intervention period. During the run-in period, participants were instructed to avoid the use of vitamin or antioxidant supplementation, as well as pain or cold remedies containing aspirin.
They were also asked to limit their consumption of berries, nuts, pomegranates, tomatoes, and kiwifruit, as well as tea and coffee (lt 3 cups/day). After the run-in period, participants were randomly allocated to one of three groups: kiwifruit, antioxidant-rich diet, or control.
Men in the kiwifruit group received three kiwifruits per day. Individuals in the antioxidant-rich diet group were provided with 26 food items including bilberry juice, brussels sprouts, and sunflower seeds, and were trained by a nutritionist to implement these in their habitual diet.
The control group followed their habitual diet and attended biweekly follow-ups. A total of 100 participants completed the study. In the kiwifruit group, systolic BP was reduced by 10 mmHg and diastolic BP was reduced by 9 mmHg from baseline, compared with an increase of 2 mmHg and reduction of 2 mmHg, respectively, in the control group (p lt 0.010).
The largest effects were observed among individuals in the kiwifruit group who had a normal/high-normal BP (systolic 120-139 mmHg and/or diastolic 80-89 mmHg) and in those with hypertension (systolic ≥140 mmHg and/or diastolic ≥90 mmHg).
Indeed, kiwifruit eaters with a normal/high-normal BP had a 13 mmHg reduction in systolic and 8 mmHg reduction in diastolic BP, while those with hypertension had a 15 mmHg reduction in systolic and a 13 mmHg reduction in diastolic BP compared with controls (p lt 0.049).
In addition, there was a significant reduction in platelet aggregation and ACE activity in the kiwifruit group compared with no reduction in the control group, the authors note.
The reduction in ACE activity in the kiwifruit group "indicates that the kiwifruit constituents inhibit its activity," say the authors.
They conclude: "The effects observed in this randomized controlled trial deserve further investigation, and further studies are needed to elucidate any potential dose-response relationships, the constituents mediating these effects, as well as the mechanisms involved."
Original research was published in J Hum Hypertens 2012; Advance online publication.
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