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In this issue:


1. Share Success: Letters From Readers

Research News: Low Bone Density Increases Heart Attack Risk

3. Useful Links
4. Calcium Absorption Test
5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?


1. Share Success: Letters From Readers 


Letter I: From Natalie C.

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 09:41:12



Hi, my name is Natalie C. I'd like to Thank You for this wonderful product!


I am 54 years old and have been having various types of knee, foot, hip, muscle and joint aches and pains for over 20 years now. I have been told I have osteoarthritis, bone spurs on my feet and possibly fibromyalgia. I recently had a bone scan that showed osteopenia.


I have been unable to function normally for the past two to three years due to knee, foot and hip pain. I have also had a generalized weakness felt in other joints and most major muscle groups. I have seen orthopedists as well as my family physician.


I have been to physical therapy, taken arthritis anti-inflammatory medicines and of course; pain medicines and have still been in pain most every day. I work fulltime so that's where the focus of what I was able to do went, every other activity, even housework got sidelined so I would have energy and strength enough to go to work.


I tried "replacing" my calcium with the conventional replacement plus D. All I got for my efforts were a grossly high serum calcium level and flank pain.


My physician said I was a "non absorber". So that left me to either live in pain or seek an alternative. While searching for information and advice I came upon your website and decided to give it a try.


I have been taking the EZorb 10 capsules daily for roughly two weeks now and I feel 10 years younger! While I do still have some pain it is mostly in my knees only now and greatly reduced from what I have been dealing with. I feel stronger all over and I am completely free from the muscle and joint aches and weaknesses I was feeling everywhere in my body.


I can actually sleep now and not wake every hour with pain somewhere. I am so impressed with this product. I can't wait to complete the first three months to see how much better I will feel then!


I might add that I am a bit of a skeptic when I see advertisements that make claims that seem to good to be true. I work professionally as a nurse, so my first thought is that if it worked some large pharmaceutical company would have snapped it up, changed the name and charged me 1000 dollars a bottle. That being said I ordered this product not expecting much and got next to a miracle in results.


Thank you again and please don't stop making this product available to the public.



Letter II: From Laurie M.

Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Sunday, December 5, 2010 1:53 PM



Thank you. I am using Ezorb 2x a day and am having amazing results. I have been struggling alone with issues of joints cracking, pain in hands, lower back, shoulders and neck and what I think might be a bone spur. I refused to go to a doctor because I did not want drugs or surgery but have tried many other diet, herbal and nutritional remedies.


Within 3 days of taking Ezorb I noticed the pain at the bone spur site was gone and some generalized pain/inflammation in my neck and shoulders was much less. By the time I went to the Chiropractor 3 weeks later my neck was just a little out of line but nothing else. Usually my lower back and middle back need adjustment.


I am very grateful I found you. I am an Alternative Health Practitioner and was a Dietitian for many years. I have exercised all my life and basically eaten a well-balanced American diet. I have since changed a lot of my beliefs about the "good American diet" and definitely will continue on Ezorb to see if I can totally heal this distressing health problem.


You may gladly use this testimonial and I hope to write you again with continued improvement in my bones, joints and level of pain.






Letter III: From Mel F., Ridgewood, NJ


Received at Testimonial Submit Form on Friday, January 21, 2011 at 08:03:28



Where do I start? It took about 5 months of taking EZorb for my bone spurs in my fingers to dissolve and go away. It took about seven months for my hurting shoulder to stop hurting and the bad feeling I used to have with my shoulder muscle rolling over a speed bump (e.g.) as I would lift my arm. Yeah, that too went away.


But here is a testimonial to why people should continue to take EZorb long after the original reason to take it has become history. Almost 40 years ago, I wrecked my knee playing squash. I did not elect to have it surgically repaired and just learned to live with it. I gave up sports altogether as a sport like tennis would make me wince from the pain in my knee.


Over the years, as my knee continued to deteriorate, I developed a clicking sound on every step and my knee hurt when the clicking took place. I did not go to a doctor as I still didn't want to have it surgically repaired. I tried Active Release Techniques, which helped but it needed to be repeated quite often.


It took a whole year of taking EZorb but now my clicking is once in maybe twenty steps whereas before it was with every step. The associated pain is totally gone and I would imagine that in another six months or so, my clicking knee will be a thing of the past.


If you have had something for 40 years, it doesn't go away overnight. You have to be patient. Some go away in three months as the web site says. Other take much longer but it is worth the wait.


Mel Freedenberg, Ridgewood, NJ




From the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:


This newsletter is now read by over 70,000 subscribers worldwide. Success stories you have contributed over the years have had a great impact on many people's quality of life. Your continuous support will be greatly appreciated by tens of thousands who have been suffering and would continuously suffer, without your help! Please email your story to sharesuccess @ or simply post it at Testimonial Submit Form. Your personal information will never be revealed to the public.



2. Research News: Low Bone Density Increases Heart Attack Risk


Low bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip may predict an increased risk for myocardial infarction (MI) in men and women, independent of cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, Swedish researchers report.


Osteoporosis shares several risk factors with cardiovascular disease (CVD), but the relationship is not fully understood, explain Peter Nordstrom and colleagues from Umea University.


The team therefore investigated the association of BMD at the total hip and femoral neck with the incidence of MI, and whether any link could be explained by shared risk factors for osteoporosis and CVD.


The study involved 5490 women and 1382 men aged 30-75 years who were followed-up for 5.7 years on average. During that time, 117 women and 79 men suffered a first ever MI.


The researchers report that, after adjustment for age and body mass index, lower BMD at both the femoral neck and total hip was significantly associated with a higher risk for MI in both women and men.


For example, each standard deviation (SD) decrease in femoral neck BMD was associated with a significant 33% increased risk for MI in women, while each SD decrease in total hip BMD was associated with a significant 74% increased risk for MI in men.


Additional adjustment for smoking, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, and diabetes, only slightly attenuated the associations, even though low bone mass was also associated with prevalent hypertension, diabetes, and smoking in women and with hypertension in men.


Nordstrom and co-authors note that the primary underlying cause of an MI is considered to be atherosclerosis, which, along with osteoporosis, is common in the elderly population.


However, the team did not directly measure the extent of atherosclerosis in the study population. Therefore, it remains unclear "whether atherosclerosis is indicative of the deleterious implications of low bone mass on CVD risk."


Original research was published in Osteoporosis International 2011; Advance online publication.



3. Useful Links

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

EZorb Clinical Studies

Marvlix Benefits

Order Now



4. Calcium Absorption Test

EZorb Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate. You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements by using the simple step-by-step instructions we provide. E-mail your request to test @ for a copy of the instructions.



5. What Are Others Saying About EZorb?

EZorb Calcium has restored confidence in thousands of men and women. It has brought happiness and healthy life to families around the world. Click here to read what people say about EZorb.


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