Share Success: Letters From Readers
Letter A
- Received at sharesuccess @ elixirindustry.com
on 2/12/04.
I started taking Ezorb over a year ago. I was
diagnosed with osteo or "low bone density".
Found Ezorb on line, decided it was worth a try. Time
would tell. (Had a bone scan, that is how they
determined low bone density.) Went for another scan a
couple of months ago, the doctor couldn't believe that
it was noticeably better. I was so excited.
I am 50 year old, 5 ft.1 inch, 108 lb. Caucasian. And
postmenopausal to boot. Makes me a perfect candidate for
bone issues. I am no longer a skeptic. And so much
appreciate this product. I am bringing the information
for medical professionals to my doctors apt on Tues.
Hoping he will recommend this to his patients.
DM from Hanson Massachusetts
Letter B
- Received at sharesuccess @ elixirindustry.com
on 3/2/04.
I recently started to experience ALOT of pain while
walking. I work at Home Depot as a floor manager, which
means I am on my feet for 8 to 9 hours a day walking on
a concert floor the whole time. I once clocked the miles
I walked a day at 11 miles. So when this pain started it
was unbearable.
When I went to my Dr. office he told me it was a
spur and I could get shots or if it stays this bad
possible surgery. I am a single Mom with 3 kids, and I
have not time to be on my butt. Add in the fact I am
moving up in the company, and there is no off time in my
career plans.
I came home from the Dr. office worried about what
was going to happen to me and all of my plans. I then
went on line to get info and see what my options were.
That is when I found a link to your product (EZorb). I read the
info and decided what did I have to lose. I ordered a
bottle that day and several days later it arrived.
I was not real sure it would help, and the idea of
taking 12 pills a day did not thrill me in the least,
but since I could hardly walk by the middle part of my
day, I had to try something. So, I started taking 4
pills 3 times a day. 2 weeks later I noticed the pain
was not as bad. Now at 3 weeks I can feel a real
difference. I am still on my first bottle, but I have
told several people at work about your product and have
recommend it to everyone. I am a very happy client of
yours...and I will be using your product for the rest of
my life.
Sincerely, LM
the Desk of EZorb Newsletter Editor:
newsletter is now read by over 40,000 subscribers
worldwide. Success stories you contribute will have a
great impact on many people's life. Kindly email your
story to sharesuccess @ elixirindustry.com.
As always your private information will never be
revealed to the public.
Interesting Reading: Empathy May Cause Real Pain
When someone
says, "I feel your pain," the person really
may. A groundbreaking study shows that some of the same
brain regions involved in feeling physical pain become
activated when someone empathizes with another's pain.
And when it's time to feel better, thinking that a
drug helps can make it so, according to a different
brain-scanning study that finally caught the power of
placebo in action.
The studies, reported in Friday's edition of the
journal Science, provide important new evidence of the
power of the mind, said Dr. Jon Levine, a pain
specialist at the University of California, San
Francisco, who reviewed the research.
"Very likely the same part of the brain which is
affected by empathy for pain, and therefore suffering,
is the area that also our mind or our expectation has to
deal with if we're going to get control of that
pain," Levine said.
In the empathy study, British researchers recruited
16 couples. One at a time, the women were put into brain
scanners called MRI machines; the men sat nearby. The
women could see only their loved one's hand and a
computer screen. The women and men got brief electric
shocks to the hand. The computer screen flashed who
would get the next shock and whether it would be mild or
very sharp.
When the women got shocked, the MRI showed how their
brain's entire pain network activated, researchers
reported. They registered feeling the jolt and how much
it stung, from sensory brain regions, as well as how
much it made them suffer - the "affective" or
emotional regions.
But when the men got shocked, part of the women's
pain network sprang into action, too - not sensory
regions but emotional ones. They knew when the men were
being shocked only by watching the computer screen.
The lead researcher, Tania Singer of University
College of London, likened it to vivid feeling when
imminent pain is imagined and the heart speeds up before
the actual sensation arrives.
Men were not studied for their reaction to how women
responded to a shock.
Singer did not tell the couples that she was studying
empathy so as not to rig the results. But she later
asked the women to describe how they felt when their
partner was zapped.
"They indicated it was as unpleasant" when
the man got zapped as when they did, Singer said.
"What they say matched what I saw in the brain
She also rated their degree of empathy, using
questions such as how easily they cry at movies. The
more empathetic their nature, the more emotional brain
activity there was.
It was not "emotional contagion," like how
one person's yawn can set a whole room to yawning,
because the women could see only their partner's hand,
Singer said. Instead, the women were using the same
brain areas that anticipate one's own pain.
In the second study, volunteers put inside MRI
machines had either electric shocks or heat applied to
the arm. The pain activated all the expected neural
pathways, researchers from the University of Michigan
and Princeton University reported.
Then, researchers smeared on a cream they said would
block the pain. In fact, it was a regular skin lotion.
When the volunteers were zapped again, they reported
significantly less pain - and pain circuits in the brain
showed they really felt better. Those were the same
brain regions that respond to painkilling medication.
Then researchers spread on cream again, this time
telling the volunteers it was a placebo - and they hurt
all over again.
Doctors long known have known the placebo effect is
real. It is one reason that they talk up the benefits of
a drug as they write the prescription. But the effect
has been assumed to be psychological, Levine said.
The study provides "a novel and important
insight into the fact that placebo is in fact due to a
physiological attenuation of the pain signal," he
As for empathy, Singer now is studying whether people
can sense a stranger's suffering as much as a loved
Is empathy a learned trait or a genetic one? Her
study suggests it is a completely automatic response
that varies merely in its degree, meaning it probably is
hard-wired into our brains through evolution.
After all, Singer said, empathy serves two important
survival functions: bonding between people, especially
mother and child, and the ability to predict others'
actions, such as whether someone in pain is a threat.
Original Article Appeared in Friday's Issue of
Science, published by AAAS
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Absorption Test
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