Share Success: Letters From Readers Letter
I: From Stephanie
at Testimonial Submit Form Friday, October 28, 2016 at 06:59:02
Hi, my name is Stephanie. I have been taking Ezorb for several years. I am 71 years old and I have no health problems at this time.
My 95 year old mother started taking Ezorb after falling and injuring her right knee about three years ago. Her knee was swollen for months and in much pain when she would rise up suddenly from sitting position. Her doctor said that the pain was coming from bone rubbing on bone.
She started taking Ezorb powder starting with three teaspoons daily and as pain subsided reduced to two teaspoon daily. At one point she decided to stop taking because she felt no pain, but after a few months started taking again because pain came back.
Swelling eventually went down to normal and she again stopped taking Ezorb powder. The other day she had to share with me that one morning recently she woke up and
could not get out of bed because of extreme pain in her right knee and could barely get to the bathroom because of pain.
She decided to take her teaspoon of Ezorb hoping it might ease pain. Within a few hours
pain was gone and back to normal. Mom has had absolutely no pain since and is back to walking without pain and her daily routine which includes driving to church, visitations, bible study, ukulele lessons, church cleanup, daily house and yard cleaning, etc.
Needless to say she is now convinced that Ezorb has contributed to her pain free joints, erect posture, and overall good health.
II: From Gretl D.
Received at sharesuccess@ezorbonline.com 08/30/16 at 7:52 AM
I have been taking this product for many years and would not do without it.
I am 91 and still doing my work around the house AND. Look after my 93 year old husband who is vision impaired and needs to be catered to every step of the way.
I still drive and walk without a cane. Thank you EZorb.
M.D.- Toronto
Sent from my iPad
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Research News: Clinic BP Proven Lower Than Average Daytime BP - Not The Other Way Around
Researchers report that ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) is higher than clinic BP (CBP) in healthy employed people, in contrast to "a widely held belief."
These findings suggest that "physicians should probably be more concerned that the clinic BP underestimates, rather than overestimates, the patient's average daytime BP," write Joseph Schwartz (Stony Brook University, New York, USA) and colleagues.
The team found that among 888 middle-aged people without a diagnosis of hypertension who participated in the Masked Hypertension Study, the mean awake ABP was significantly higher, at 123.0/77.4 mmHg, compared with an average CBP of 116.0/75.4 mmHg taken from nine readings over three visits.
Furthermore, systolic awake ABP exceeded CBP by at least 10 mmHg in over a third of study participants. A "substantial" 15.7% of participants who were classed as normotensive by CBP (lt 140/90 mm Hg) had masked hypertension (ABP gt 135/85 mm Hg), which "may warrant treatment or at least monitoring," note the authors in Circulation.
They conclude that CBP-ABP gradients "could provide guidance for primary care physicians as to when, for a given CBP, 24-hour ABP would be useful to identify or rule out masked hypertension."
Original article was published in 12-13-2016 | Hypertension | News | Article.
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Absorption Test
Calcium has set a new world record of absorption rate.
You can compare EZorb with other calcium supplements
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provide. E-mail your request to test @ elixirindustry.com
for a copy of the instructions.
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