Calcium and Weight Loss


Calcium is an essential element in bones and this necessary mineral is abundant not only in cheese and milk, but in green leafy vegetables, fish, meats, and beans. However, some people are allergic or sensitive to dairy foods and need to avoid them.


Calcium is important in the prevention of osteoporosis, but researchers are now also looking at the relationship between calcium and weight loss. It was determined that low calcium intakes in women corresponded to a high body weight. Evidently, the women who were studied substituted calcium-rich foods and beverages with carbonated beverages such as soda. In another comparative study, children whose diets were supplemented with calcium gained less fat than children did on a standard diet. It is believed that without adequate body stores of calcium, the body cannot properly metabolize fat.


With the information being so new regarding calcium and weight loss, a person should probably limit calcium usage for weight loss and seek the advice of a health care professional for more information.